Today we beat the odds and finished our portrait party BEFORE THE RAIN!!! Thank you so much to all the families that came out today. It was a great day and I enjoyed all of it. It was tough to pick which images to showcase here...there are so many good ones :)
Let's start with the son of my hosts:

And now his cutie pie cousin:

And now the son of the host's very good friend:

Here is the son of a friend and former co-worker of mine:

These kids belong to the sister of the host's soon-to-be sister n' law (follow that?;):

These final three images are of my former co-worker and friend's neighbor's kids:

Many thanks going out to my wonderful hosts for organizing this party, supplying food and drinks and picking the location. I will be working on these images all week and will be sending out links to private galleries to each of your guests.
I hope you all enjoy your preview!!