A blog to showcase our photography, art, design and thoughts. All images are copyright Aunt Spray and may not be downloaded, altered, printed or distributed without written consent of Aunt Spray. Violators will be prosecuted.
The Website
We are artists! And what better way to communicate about the fabulous world of design and photography today than a blog? We will attempt to keep a casual dialogue about our current design/photography projects and anything we come across that is new, shiny and just plain awesome. Our company name is taken from the book La Cart: The Secret Lives of Grocery Shoppers (by Hillary Carlip, Barbara Green), where it is mentioned that a person actually wrote and misspelled this on their grocery list. Anyone stumbling in via RSS feeds etc...Welcome!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hello Spring!
Well, I was right. It was a farewell to winter and a hello to spring! I had such grand plans for the day (65 and sunny) such as go to the zoo, clean my car, free some lab animals, build a school for girls..... but as luck would have it, Mallory took a longer-than-usual nap and Lydia refused to leave the house because that meant taking off her Sleeping Beauty costume. Well, we compromised. We walked to our little common area and Lydia kept her costume on with a few practical additions.
Wow, am I looking forward to more of these days. I'm so over snow and cold and lack of sunshine!!!
Stop by auntspray.com to book your spring photo session or photo party today!!!
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This is a design forum, but art is open to any disussion....