The Website We are artists! And what better way to communicate about the fabulous world of design and photography today than a blog? We will attempt to keep a casual dialogue about our current design/photography projects and anything we come across that is new, shiny and just plain awesome. Our company name is taken from the book La Cart: The Secret Lives of Grocery Shoppers (by Hillary Carlip, Barbara Green), where it is mentioned that a person actually wrote and misspelled this on their grocery list. Anyone stumbling in via RSS feeds etc...Welcome!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Liquids: Day 9

It's All Just Water?

Lydia: Mommy, what is steam?  
Me:  It's just water, in a gaseous form.  It's made of the same stuff as water, but when it gets hot, it changes state.  Kind of like when you change costumes.  You are still Lydia, you just look different.
Lydia:  Oh, I see.  So is snow water?
Me: Yes!  Very good!
Lydia:  It's all water?  I hate water.  Why can't it all be juice?

This is what I love about her.  She speaks straight off the brain.  She doesn't care about being judged, or looking stupid, or any of the things that keep us adults from reaching our full potential.  She genuinely wants to learn and understand.  I think we were all like that at some point.  Then we become aware of each other, of opinions, of societal norms and global rights and wrongs (as if we were all formed from the same mold). It breaks my heart to think that she will fall victim to the same thing.  I hope she doesn't.  I will encourage her not too.

I like that she choses to do things the way they make sense in her mind.  I like that she doesn't yet read instructions and has no idea that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.  I like that there is a story behind everything.  Everything has a personality and a mission.  She's just so awesome, in every way.

So I choose to associate this post with the written word of Robert Frost.  Because I admire her for this very reason.  Today we walked outside to a freshly shoveled driveway.  A perfect path carved out between two rows of chaos.  And she chose the mounds.  She climbed them and stood on top of them and saw the world from a view that I wasn't able to see...because I didn't want my pants to get wet.  

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